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Dec 27, 2022

Anti-oppression work requires great introspection and learning of self and habits. According to Brenda Herrera Moreno, the role that we have to play in combating oppression is equivalent to the life journey of getting to know ourselves better. 

In our conversation today, Brenda explains how white supremacy invisibilizes...

Dec 14, 2022

The world is an intense place. We are bombarded with news of tragedies and injustices and many of us wonder, “what can I do?”, before we are swept back into our busy lives. Sirad Zahra joins us today to talk about the injustices that land on our own doorstep, and what we choose to do with them.

Sirad Zahra, a...

Nov 29, 2022

How do you tell your own story? Often when we think about our lives we focus on our shortcomings and struggle to see how all the parts of our story are weaved together. Adriana Ortiz believes that understanding our own story is critical to living a successful life, and she is dedicated to helping others do this. 


Nov 17, 2022

Each of us have different strategies when it comes to shifting people’s perspectives. For last week’s guest, Awa Diaw, it can be choosing to end the conversation when it no longer feels productive. For Humanize co-host, Courthney Russell Jr, it’s diving even deeper into the heat. Join us as we deconstruct last...

Oct 28, 2022

We’ve got a fun role swap for you today: in this episode, we’re bringing you an interview where we had the opportunity to be the guests! We were interviewed by the amazing Sage Hobbs and Erica Howard for their podcast Race, Culture, and Beyond: A Naked Conversation Series to explore friendship across race (which...